Strange I hadn't thought about her in years, but upon hearing of her death childhood memories of Elizabeth Taylor came rushing back.
People used to say that my Mother looked like Elizabeth, she certainly had the dark hair and blue eyes, though I believe Elizabeth's eyes were described as violet.
I remember that the on off love affair with Richard Burton was much discussed in the girl's cloakroom at school, school girls gossiping, usually repeating what their parents had said.
And the diamonds, oh yes we girls talked about the diamonds quite a lot really.
And the films, the old ones were often shown on a Sunday afternoon. Films like Elephant Walk, Giant, National Velvet, Little Women, Father of the Bride, Cleopatra and Ivanhoe gave us plenty to talk about on a Monday morning.
Most of my friends were allowed to watch the Lassie films, I however was banned as my family could,'t cope with the sobs!
But of course some Taylor films were considered entirely unsuitable for such young minds and films like Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof were shown after our bedtimes.
I still love the National Velvet film it's one of my favourite old movies, I think I'd like to watch it now...